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Terms and Conditions


These are the terms and conditions (the “Agreement”) governing your participation in any Dunk Events owned and operated event, meeting, session, masterclass, show, seminar or conference (the “Event”). By registering for the Event you agree to these terms, which form a binding legal contract between the Event owner and host, Dunk Events (“DE” or “Owner and Organiser”) and the registered participant (“you” or “Participant”). If you are registering on behalf of another individual, it is your responsibility to ensure the person participating is aware of these terms and accepts them. By completing the registration on behalf of another individual you are warranting that you have made the Participant aware of these terms and that they have accepted these terms.

1. Participant Requirements

1.1 Access. Your payment and/or registration entitles you to access to the Event for which you have registered. Any and all other costs associated with your attendance shall be borne solely by you, and DE shall have no liability for such costs.

1.2 Use of Likeness. By participating in the Event you acknowledge and agree to grant DE the right to record, film, live stream, photograph, or capture your likeness in any media now available or hereafter developed and to distribute, broadcast, use, or otherwise globally to disseminate, in perpetuity, such media without any further approval from you or any payment to you. This grant to DE includes, but is not limited to, the right to edit such media, the right to use the media alone or together with other information, and the right to allow others to use or disseminate the media.

1.3 Event Content. You acknowledge and agree that DE, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to change any and all aspects of the Event, including but not limited to, the Event name, themes, content, program, speakers, performers, hosts, moderators, venue, and time. 

2. Prohibited Conduct

2.1 Limitations on Use. By registering for a DE Event you agree not to sell, trade, transfer or share your access link and/or code, unless such transfer is granted by the Organiser. By registering for a paid Event, you agree not to share, sell or trade your access. If DE determines that you have violated this policy, DE may cancel your access, retain any payments made by you, report you to law enforcement authorities, and ban you from future Events.

2.2 Disruptive Conduct. You acknowledge and agree that DE reserves the right to remove you, without refund, from the Event if DE, in its sole discretion, determines that your participation or behaviour create a disruption or hinder the Event or the enjoyment of the Event content by other attendees.

2.3 Recording, Live Streaming, and Videotaping. Participants may not record or broadcast audio or video of sessions at DE Events.

2.4 Unethical/Non-Compliant Business Practices. DE reserves the right to deny participation to anyone who engages in or is reputed to engage in unethical or non-compliant business practices.

2.5 In addition to the requirements and prohibitions set forth in this Section 2, DE may also exclude any prospective participant from registering for or participating in any Event, in DE’s sole discretion.

3. Fees and Registration

3.1 Payment. The payment of the applicable fee for the Event is due prior to registration. If such payment is insufficient or declined for any reason DE may refuse to allow you to access the Event and shall have no liability in that regard.

3.2 Taxes. The fees may be subject to sales tax, value added tax, or other taxes and duties which, if applicable, will be charged to you in addition to the fees.

4. Cancellation 

4.1 Cancellations are subject to the entire Event fee. All sales are final. No payments will be refunded or refundable. Please note that if you do not cancel and do not attend the Event, you are still responsible for payment. In no event shall DE be obligated to refund all or a portion of the registration fee.

4.2 If DE is prevented from carrying out its obligations as it pertains to the Event you registered for as a result of any cause beyond its control, or such Event cannot be conducted because of a software or issue with the hosting platform or due to acts of God, strikes, labour disputes, government requisitions, restrictions or war or apparent act of war, terrorism, disaster, civil disorder, epidemic or pandemic, curtailment or restriction on transportation facilities, or any other comparable calamity, casualty or condition (collectively a “Force Majeure”) DE shall have the right to immediately terminate the affected Event without liability and shall be relieved of its obligations to Registrant. If the affected Event is terminated due to a Force Majeure occurrence before the first day of the Event, then DE will reschedule the affected Event and your registration fee will be applied to the rescheduled Event.

5. Event Registration Confirmation

5.1 Once you have completed your registration, you will receive your registration confirmation by email. Please ensure that your valid email is entered correctly on the registration form. Be sure to check your junk email box too in case any of your Event email(s) are caught by spam filters.

5.2 You will receive essential information for registered attendees electronically at the email address and mailing address that are provided on your registration form.

6. Intellectual Property

6.1 All intellectual property rights in and to the Event, the Event content, and all materials distributed at or in connection with the Event are owned by DE or the Event sponsors or speakers presenting at the Event. You may not use or reproduce or allow anyone to use or reproduce any trademarks or other trade names appearing at the Event, in any Event content or in any materials distributed at or in connection with the Event for any reason without the prior written permission of DE.

6.2 For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to vest in you any legal or beneficial right in or to any trademarks or other intellectual property rights owned or used under license by DE or any of its affiliates; nor does this Agreement grant to you any right or license to any other intellectual property rights of DE or its affiliates, all of which shall at all times remain the exclusive property of DE and its affiliates.

7. Disclaimer of Warranties, Limitation of Liability

7.1 DE gives no warranties in respect of any aspect of the Event or any materials related thereto or offered at the Event and, to the fullest extent possible under the laws governing this Agreement, disclaims all implied warranties, including but not limited to warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, timeliness, and merchantability. The Event is provided on an “as-is” basis. The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the speakers, attendees, or sponsors at the Event are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or positions of DE or any employee thereof. The Event makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability, or validity of any information presented by speakers, attendees or sponsors at a DE Event and will not be liable for any errors, omissions or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use. DE does not endorse, and expressly disclaims all liability relating to, any of the products or services provided by speakers, attendees, or sponsors.

7.2 Except as required by law, neither DE nor its affiliates shall be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential costs, damages or losses arising directly or indirectly from the Event or other aspect related thereto or in connection with this Agreement.

7.3 The maximum aggregate liability of Event for any claim in any way connected with, or arising from, the Event or this Agreement, whether in contract, tort or otherwise (including any negligent act or omission), shall be limited to the amount paid by you to DE under this Agreement.

9. Miscellaneous

DE’s failure to exercise any right provided for herein shall not be deemed a waiver of any further rights hereunder. DE shall not be liable for any failure to perform its obligations hereunder where such failure results from any cause beyond DE’s reasonable control. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision shall be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that this Agreement shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable. This Agreement is not assignable, transferable or sub-licensable by you except with DE’s prior written consent. A party that substantially prevails in an action brought under this Agreement is entitled to recover from the other party its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs. Both parties agree that this Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of the mutual understanding of the parties and supersedes and cancels all previous written and oral agreements, communications and other understandings relating to the subject matter of this Agreement, and that all modifications must be in a writing signed by both parties, except as otherwise provided herein. No agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment is created as a result of this Agreement and you acknowledge that you do not have any authority of any kind to bind DE in any respect whatsoever.